Masahito TSUDA

Saxophonist | Yanagisawa Endorser | Sapporo City Tourism Ambassador

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Masahito TSUDA

北海道札幌市出身。 東京ミュージック&メディアアーツ尚美卒業。洗足学園音楽大学器楽科卒業。同大学在学中前田記念音楽奨励賞、優秀賞受賞。学内選抜演奏会、卒業演奏会に出演。American Saxophone Academy (University of Iowa, US) 修了。

在学中よりプロとして日本各地においてコンサートに出演。2011/2014/2020年ソロリサイタルを札幌・東京で開催。またオーストリア・ウィーン楽友協会、アメリカ・カーネギーホールにて演奏。東京ニューフィルハーモニック管弦楽団コンサートやバレエ公演に出演。NHK・CX系音楽番組・TVCM・東京FM・NHKラジオ第一等に出演。音楽現代・PIPERS・THE SAX等の雑誌で掲載される。J-POPやジャズ、ハウス・エレクトロニカのアーティストとも共演。2012/2014年東京都ヘブンアーティスト代表として東日本大震災被災地復興支援イベントに参加。2016〜2018年ラ・フォル・ジュルネ・オ・ジャポンに出演。quartet JGメンバーとして2016年11月13日にfontecレーベルより1stアルバム「genic1」を発売しメジャーデビュー。2018年Yanagisawa社と富山大学の監修で製作された世界初となる漆のサックスを使用しての、2ndアルバム「genic2」リリースし全国ツアーを開催。レコード芸術誌に準特選盤として選出される。クロアチア・ザグレブ市で開催されたワールドサクソフォンコングレスに出演。2020年3月にはアメリカ・アリゾナ州で開催されたNASA(North American Saxophone Alliance)に出演。Serie du Trioメンバーとして「Beau Aile」CDアルバムをリリース。札幌観光大使。東京都ヘブンアーティスト。ミュージックスクール「ダ・カーポ」、東京音楽学院、(株)カワイ楽器講師、個人レッスン講師・トレーナーとして後進の指導にもあたる他、編曲家としても活動を展開。quartet JG、Serie du Trio、saxophone DICTに所属。


Masahito Tsuda was born in Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan.
He graduated from Conservatoire SHOBI and furthered his studies at SENZOKU Gakuen College of Music. He was awarded the Maeda Anniversary Music Encouragement Award and the Award for Performance Excellence, performed in the concert for graduates, and was specially chosen for the on-campus selected artists’ concert. He completed the American Saxophone Academy (University of Iowa, US).
Masahito performed with the Edogawa Philharmonic Orchestra after winning first prize in the all section at the 20th Annual Edogawa New Artists Concert. He won the first prize in the 22nd Vienna International Music Competition "Grand Prize Virtuoso", and won the first prize in the 7th New York International Music Competition "Golden Classical Music Awards", and won the first prize in the North International Music Competition 2020 category Ⅺ. Masahito was awarded highest prize at the 4th Annual France Chamber Music Competition, and first prize in all sections at the 8th Annual Le Splendeur Music Competition, and second prize in the chamber music section at the 10th Annual Yokohama International Music Competition, among various other performance awards.

Masahito began his professional performing career during his years at music college. Not only did he perform solo recitals in Tokyo and Sapporo in 2011, 2014 and 2020 respectively, He also performed at the “Wiener Musikverein”, Austria and Carnegie Hall, US. He played with the Tokyo New Philharmonic Orchestra and in various ballet performances. He was performed and introduced on NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation), Fuji Television, Commercial, FM Tokyo, Television, Radio and Magazine. He has been involved in other jazz, house and electronica artists' stage performances. Masahito has performed with numerous ensembles and has been active in holding recitals, concerts, and live performances across Japan since 2006. He performed as a representative Tokyo Heaven Artist in 2012 and 2014 at the East Japan Natural Disaster Charity Concert and participated in La Folle Journee au Japon 2016, 2017 and 2018. He released the album “genic1” (fontec) member of the "quartet JG", and He released the 2nd album "genic2" (fontec) member of the JG, using the world's first Urushi sax, which was produced at Yanagisawa company and supervised by Toyama University, and held a national tour. The CD was selected as a semi-specialty board by the "Record Art Magazine". He appeared in the World Saxophone Congress to be held in Zagreb city in Croatia, and be expanding their activities. In Mar 2020, he also appeared at NASA (North American Saxophone Alliance) in Arizona, US. He released the album “Beau Aile” as a member of the “Serie du Trio”. Masahito has further branched out into the fields of arranging, is a Sapporo City Tourism Ambassador and Tokyo Heaven Artist, a saxophone ensemble trainer, and a private saxophone tutor, and saxophone teacher of Music School “Da Capo”,Tokyo Music Academy and Kawai instruments. He is an active member of quartet JG, Serie du Trio and saxophone DICT.

Masahito studied saxophone under Shinichi Iwamoto, Kazuo Tomioka, Hiroshi Hara, Shunei Ibayashi, Fabrice Moretti, Eugene Rousseau, Carrie Koffman, Chien Kwan Lin, Dale Underwood, Kenneth Tse, Otis Murphy, and Timothy McAllister, and chamber music under Yoshiyuki Hattori, Kazuhiro Ninomiya, Shinichiro Hikosaka, Fabrice Moretti, Jean Ledieu, Carrie Koffman, Kenneth Tse, and Otis Murphy. He was tutored in improvisation by Masataka Hirano.

Title Data

Yanagisawa Endorser
Sapporo City Tourism Ambassador
Tokyo Heaven Artist









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